Low Maintenance Wall Textures

Brick Wall Texture

Updating or even designing new homes requires structural enhancements. What better place to begin than with your walls? Here are a few of the low-maintenance wall textures you can find that won’t break the bank or need too much attention over the years.

Pre-Cast Concrete Wall Panels

Pre-cast concrete wall panels come in a variety of finishes. You can choose from those such as sand blast, which will give you an edgy to design, to a smooth cast to show off a polished look. Perhaps one of the best qualities of this texture is that is it strong enough to hold up over time. Maintenance won’t be an issue with this style as the concrete gets tighter and stronger over time.

Single Skin Metal Panels

These conveniently insulated panels are available in a variety of metals from copper and steel to zinc, including more. They are reliable in providing protection and long-term use due to their durability. These panels can also have different finishes from smooth to textured and can even have customized colors.  These panels can be used in lieu of wood panels because they offer moisture resistance and resistance to the elements of nature that wood cannot withstand over time, saving you the trouble of frequent renovations.

Skip Trowel

This texture is very commonly used to add a high-class finish to your walls. It is low maintenance because it is done easily and doesn’t lose its appearance quickly over time. Although it is similar to another texture, the Knockdown style, it is much easier and fortunately cheaper to install. Although this style may take a bit longer to complete, since it is done by hand, the finished product speaks for itself in elegance and style that will last without the need for constant touch-ups.

When it comes to your property, you’ll want the best architectural features. These wall enhancements fulfill that need without the headache of on-going up-keep and repair.  Rest easy knowing that your time is valuable and it doesn’t have to be spent on constant home or commercial building repairs. Now that you’ve seen some reliable options, find the right low maintenance wall texture for you!